Shapes and Pegs

 Today when I was playing with my Leon, he finally figured out how to put the shapes in the correct hole and to hammer the pegs with the hammer. Now I know that doesn't seem like a hard thing but we have had these toys for a long time and it's just never clicked to him, till today. What happened is that he was playing with his toys the way he normally does. Then I came over and showed him (once again) how to put the shapes in the correct hole. So then he tried it and got one in. OK no big deal sometimes he gets one. Then he tried with another shape in the same hole. Yep that's what he normally does but then I turned the toy to the right hole and it went right in. I think that's when it clicked because he finally started sticking the shapes in different holes till they went in. I think with the peg thing he just likes to take the easy way because he kept switching between hammer and pushing them in with his fingers. I just love watching his mind grow. It was so much fun to see him take the shapes and instead of hand it to me when he couldn't get it to fit he tried another hole. The hammer and peg on the other hand was much more fun to watch when he was cheating hehehehe, but hey working with tools like that just means he's one step closer to using silverware or a pencil.


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